Sunday, January 16, 2011

Folktales- The Son of The Turtle -Spirit

just read it. some Chinese cultural can be found from the story, especially the dragon. Dragon is  the most important creature for chinese. If a prince dreamed a dragon, he will be consider as the emperor who is chosen by the God.

if we use this folktale as material to teach our student, role-play is an effective way. but, teacher have to simplify the story first before role playing.


  1. this story is interesting.It tells about how the story flows from previous generation to another generation. It is such a motivated and moral tales. Even though, it is impossible for the maid to fell in love to the youth whom she don't even knows his background and looking for her everynight. The story din't make any statement about the turtle looking for the maid in daytime.It is ridiculous to the maid that wait for the youth only at night and the youth only come to the maid at night.The maid did not request the turtle to come during daytime or to meet their family members for wedding.It is strange here.
    In Chinese tradition during old times, the girl got married without knowing each other but must be acknowledged and arranged by the parents.
    Yes, in Chinese tradition, dragon being regarded as the most precious creature. The evidence can be found everywhere. Look at the Chinese temple,dragons' statute, dragons'mural, dragons' gold chains, tattoos,and lots more. It symbolize wealthiness, preciousness, power and so on.It also being regarded as one of the Gods' creation in heaven.Yes, normally, in Chinese tradition, the prince dreamed the dragon, he will become emperor or to have power to conquer other continent in China.
    Kids like folktales, it provokes lots of imagination to the kids to think more creatively. Yes, indeed, it is an effective way and need to simplify to adapt for the needs of the kids.

  2. Yu Ling, role play is a good idea for the students to learn English. Plus, they can also learn the spirit of cooperation and role playing need lots of cooperation among one another. Folk tales is an interesting topic for children. Children love stories with animals and magic. The story is also very interesting. As we all know, English teacher should in cooperate one period time a week for literature. Then by using the ‘tools’ we studied we can incorporate them in our lesson. It will have a positive effect in learning the English Language. Lesson should be fun not a torture to them. Let them enjoy themselves in learning.

  3. hmmm.. I think role play is too difficult for kids. There are too many characters in the folktale and they have to act out. Not all kids are active in participating. Most of them prefer to sit back and enjoy the show. Even secondary students are quite shy though. Another problem is you need plenty time to carry out the role play, unless the whole activity is running smoothly. Teacher is playing an important role as a fasilitator here. You have to guide them throughout the act.
